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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

What If history projects

Image result for image of "what if"
Larry Ferlazzo has his history students do a "What if" project.  Basically what would have happened if a critical event in history never happened.  He also does this for his English Language Learners course but has it tailored towards their own lives instead of a historical event.  Here is what he asks of them:
“What If” Project

Think of an important moment in your life that led to other things happening (moving, starting at a new school, playing on a sports team, divorce, loss, etc.).  Write down the specific event that took place.

 What did that event lead to?  What other events occurred as a result?

 What may have happened if that event never happened at all?

Here is an example from one of Larry Ferlazzo's students from his slideshare page that can be found by clicking here.


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