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Monday, April 30, 2018

Periodic Table of Videos

I posted on December 13 2017 about an interactive periodic table.  To see that post click here.  Today I want to show you a site that has a video about every element of the periodic table.  To see the website click here.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting


Thanks Mr D for showing this to me.  Vice News had an article along with the 7.5 minute powerful Youtube video showing dots to animate students. teachers and the shooters movements in real time.  The shooter is a black dot with the line showing the direction of the gun.  The green dots are students or teachers.  The yellow dots are people that have been shot and the bluish dot are deceased.  It is a powerful video and shows teachers and students much to think about.  Get out of site lines of the door is number one in my opinion and get out of the hallway is number two. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Echoes of the Great War

The US Library of Congress has an online exhibition about World War 1.  Much is from a US perspective but some is also from a world wide perspective.  There are many galleries with video and audio artifacts.  These artifacts would be great to use in class.  You might just want to use the 15 videos in the multimedia section.  To see the website click here.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Math in Real Life series of TED-Ed videos

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Here is a link to a TED-ED series of videos on real life math.  These might make a nice extension or  intro to your math class.  To see the videos click here.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Interactive Periodic Table Game

ABPI puts out many interactive resources that can be used in school.  Here is an interactive periodic table game that could be used as a review for your students.  I have posted about this previously.    According to their website, "The interactive Periodic Table helps you learn about elements and their properties in a fun way. The game can be played at a variety of levels of difficulty and in several different ways. It can be played against the clock or competitively by one or more people.  Use the information provided to help you place the element in its correct position."  To see the game click here.  I also have posted about other periodic websites.  To see them just use the search box in the top left corner and type in "Periodic Table" or anything else you would like to search.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Tour Ancient Egypt with your XBOX ONE or PS4

I was reading Danny Nicholson's blog post about playing Assassin's Creed and the thought of being able to tool around in Ancient Egypt and check it out without worrying about violence happening in the game could make a great educational tool.  Well it is  now possible with Discovery Tour by Assassin's Creed: Ancient Egypt is a free update to Assassin's Creed Origins or a standalone purchase.  

Here is what Mr Nicholson says, "Players can explore Ancient Egypt non-violently as one of 25 different avatars, with 75 interactive tours that dive into the history behind the game’s reconstruction of the ancient world.

The tours have been curated by historians and Egyptologists, each focusing on a different subject, including the Great Pyramids, the life of Cleopatra, mummification, and more. Additionally, Discovery Tour lets players roam the entire game world without constraints or threats, exploring a sprawling landscape that includes Memphis, Alexandria, the Sand Sea, and the Giza Plateau at their own pace. The graphics are stunning, and I could happily spend hours exploring." 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Teen Ink

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If you have some writers, artists or photographers in your class that are looking for a venue to submit their work, this might be the place.  This website is for teens and is run by teens.   Maybe you just want your students to look at works of students their own age and use this as an exemplar.  They alos have monthly contests.  To see the website click here.

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Cell

If you are teaching parts of the cell then you might be able to use these.  The first is a link to a whole 25 page lesson plan.  To see this click here.  The second is a cell concept map activity which can be seen by clicking here.


Friday, April 13, 2018

Infographics Design Online

This website has a ton of links for graphics, not just infographics.  I suggest you go about half way down to "Infographics Design Online" for some sites to make your own infographics.  Check out Zanifesto.    The Periodic Table of Visualization Methods under "Data Visulization Methods" is also pretty cool.  To see the website click here.

Houston We Have A Problem - Apollo 13 this day 1970

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Many of you have heard "Houston we have a problem".  If you were not alive in 1970 (yeah I am old) you might have seen the movie, Apollo 13.  To see what wrong and the hack that saved their lives can be read about by clicking here or here.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Canada and Immigrant Students

The PBS Newhour aired the following documentary about teaching immigrants in the Canadian school system titled "What the US could learn from Canada about integrating immigrant students"
From the PBS site "In Canadian public schools, the children of new immigrants do as well as native-born children within three years of arriving. There kids don't just get language and academic support; their home cultures are celebrated as they are integrated into classes. And strong social services and healthy education funding help too."

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Native Land

I saw this link from Martha M.  This resource called Native Land might be of use if you teach social studies, geography or history, especially with the new Ontario curriculum becoming mandatory in September 2018.  To see the website click here.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Here are two websites that you can copy and paste a large article into and it will return a summarized version.  I know that we want students to do this on their own but sometimes when they are looking for material for a project if the document is too long they will not read it.  This way they might check out the summary to see if they should read it.  To see these sites click here for smmry and click here for summarize this.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Science Friday

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Yeah I know it is not Friday but I post Math/Science stuff on Mondays.  This site has a weekly podcast that usually highlights something science based that is in the news.  At the bottom of the website's page they have a clickable  icon for each category of science.  To see the website click here.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Science Netlinks

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Science Netlinks has a whole bunch of lesson plans and activities for you organized by grade level and course.  So whether your teaching physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics or careers there is something for you.  To check it out, click here.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Bomb Blast

What if a nuclear bomb hit where you live.  How many people would die?  How many people would be injuried.  With this interactive tool, you can select your location (or other), what type of nuclear bomb (North Korean, Russian),  and detonation (surface or air).  To see the website click here.  Below is what would happen if  a North Korean nuke hit above our school.

There is more to this site.  If you go to the host site outrider, they cover many topics that have lead us to where we are today.  To see the main site click here.  Thanks to Larry Ferlazzo for pointing out this site.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

What If history projects

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Larry Ferlazzo has his history students do a "What if" project.  Basically what would have happened if a critical event in history never happened.  He also does this for his English Language Learners course but has it tailored towards their own lives instead of a historical event.  Here is what he asks of them:
“What If” Project

Think of an important moment in your life that led to other things happening (moving, starting at a new school, playing on a sports team, divorce, loss, etc.).  Write down the specific event that took place.

 What did that event lead to?  What other events occurred as a result?

 What may have happened if that event never happened at all?

Here is an example from one of Larry Ferlazzo's students from his slideshare page that can be found by clicking here.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Causes of death in Shakespeare plays

Maybe I should not post this as I just saw this on Twitter and cannot independently corroborate this.  This could be fake news or an alternate fact but it looks fun.  

Monday, April 2, 2018

Bacteria Culture Virtual Lab


Ms J was in our computer lab and had her grade 11 college biology students working on a virtual lab.  The Ontario curriculum expectation meet by the lab satisfied C2.4 investigate the effect of antibacterial agents on different bacterial cultures (e.g., the effects of antibacterial soap or mouthwash on a bacterial culture).  To see the virtual lab click here.